Getting started
The Club recommends that new members who have no previous experience in Road Racing participate in some of the time trial (TT) events before competing in Graded or Handicap road races. This helps us determine which road race handicap group is a possible 'best-fit' for a new member - there is nothing worse for a non-experienced rider than to be dropped off the group within the first 100 metres from the start of a race.

Experience is not necessary to start participating in time trial events. Many of our members are new to the sport of cycling, and within a short time are able to compete very successfully against the more experienced riders. Prospective members are given every encouragement and assistance to help them take part in one of the most exciting and satisfying sports in the world, The general emphasis is on active participation as much as on individual success.

Our events
Our racing season runs from September to April.

We run a Google Calendar listing all club events... Click Here.

You'll find information in the calendar about the course, start time, entry process and meeting points. Events are seldom cancelled but, if they are, the cancellation will be posted on the Club's Facebook Group page, and (if time permits) published on the website home page.

In TT events, riders compete against the clock, usually over measured distances ranging from 16km, 25km, 40km and 80km, over a range of flat and hilly courses. Road races are held over distances from 38km to 80km over varied courses. Most events are run on a handicap basis giving all riders a fair chance of winning. Additionally, there is a "rider of the day" awarded to the rider judged to have had the most meritorious performance.

Before, during and after an event
Whenever possible you should use our online registration for your chosen events. Entries usually open a couple of weeks before each race day and close off at 7pm on the Thursday before the race.

A start list of entrants showing individual start times and handicaps (where appropriate) will be published on the website - usually on the Friday before the event. Entries are sometimes accepted on race day (check the calendar) but you won't get a handicap and for TTs (where we usually send the slower riders off first), you'll probably find yourself amongst the last to start.

On race day, you should report to registration to sign on, collect your race number, and check the course (course maps are available on this website). If you're entering on the day you'll need to pay a late entry fee. You should report to the start at least ten minutes before your start time where the race manager will give a safety briefing. Then you're off and hopefully on your way to a trouble free ride to the finish. If you do have problems let one of the other riders know or ask one of the marshals to get a message back to the race manager. Your time will be recorded when you cross the finish line and the last thing you need to do is return your race number - these are usually collected at the refreshment venue. 

Provisional results are usually available immediately after the race and final results are published on this website... Results Here

Race management, traffic control, time keeping and tea duties are all done by members. If everyone plays their part, each member only needs to volunteer twice a season.

Tips for Time Trials - a race against the clock
We run individual and team time trial events. Riders/teams start separately, usually 1 minute apart, and they are not allowed to get in the slipstream of a competitor (you can only do this in road races).

1. The aim: to finish the event with nothing left in the tank, but with consistent lap times!
2. The process. Keep an even pace. Don't go out too fast!!
3. The technique.Do the first lap at 85% perceived effort (PE). It feels like you are not trying that hard.By the second lap, if you can maintain that "speed" the effort will be closer to 95% PE.By the last lap at the same speed you will be at 100% PE and hanging out for the finish.

There is a Passing Rule in Time Trials. If one rider is caught by another, he may neither lead nor follow in the 25m slipstream of the rider that is caught up. When attempting to overtake a lateral gap of 2m between riders must be maintained. Once a passing rider draws level, the caught rider must retire to 25m behind the passing rider.
Note: At 30km/hr, 25m = 3 sec; at 38km/hr, 25m = 2.5 sec; at 45km/hr, 25m = 2 sec.

We have a social side too
Our events are well attended and the riders always enjoy an after-race tea or coffee while reviewing the results and swapping race experiences. This is the time when a few riding and equipment tips can be passed on by the more experienced.

Trophies and Medals and Grades
Almost all of the WMCC's races count towards one of the club series and everyone has a chance of winning a medal or a trophy at the end of the season. For a full explanation of the various series, read the WMCC Awards document which you can access from the list on the right.

​​​​​​​Apart from our annual Mass Start Road Race Championship event, the fields for all our other road races are split into five separate bunches of ideally equal abilities which we call grades. A riders grade is usually determined by their performance over the previous season and the Club has now formalised how this works in the Grading policy. WMCC members are now allocated a grade for the season and can only score points towards series by riding in their allocated grade. The Grading policy and the Grading List for the current season can also be accessed from the list on the right.

The club utilises email, this website and a Facebook Group (which you'll need to join to be able to post to) to communicate with its members. It is recommended that members check email and/or this website on regular basis to keep up to date with club activities. 

So welcome once again and make yourself known to some of the members when you come along.
Safe and enjoyable riding from your Committee and all your fellow Club members.

See you at the start line!

​​​​​​​Cycling Safety / Rider Etiquette

We ask that riders consider the following points when riding and racing:

  • Ride single file when climbing and descending Blue Mountains Road, Wallaceville and Mangaroa
  • Keep left at all times when riding.
  • Move to single file through the narrow gorge section where there is no centre white line or in areas where the group is likely to hinder traffic movement.
  • Never ride more than 2 abreast.
  • Teach riders at the back of your bunch to call “Car Up” and signal the car to pass when safe.
  • Don’t discard your rubbish.
  • Avoid using the area as a toilet. Silverstream Village has a public toilet.
  • Be considerate of vehicle traffic and local residents.
  • Report any abusive behaviour or dangerous driving that places you and other cyclists at risk to the NZ Police (*555).